Covid, hospital, adventures

 Due to the high increase of infected people, we have cancelled our holiday - which was supposed to start today. You know, the beach will wait, but health is first! However, there has been no provincial lockdown introduced yet (except for Samut Sakhon which is the highly infected province), but we still decided to cancel our week. We count here as migrant, and we didn't want to risk it to get it locked somewhere where we don't have a job or we don't know the means of getting around. 

However, it is still good to know how Thailand treats the coronavirus and its dangerous. 

Yesterday, on Monday, I had to get my bloodtest to check my thyroid hormones. Now I went to the other hospital (and it was 1000 TBH cheaper! :O) plus, I managed to talk to an endocrinologist, as well! I must tell you, the other day I went on a bloodtest at the weekend - so the big difference in price could be because of that. Upon entrance, there is the usual temperature measure as always, but this time, nurses were more alert. Everyone who entered the hospital, got their temperatures measured twice, plus, we were given a 50 ml hand sanitizer packet each, for free! The process for the bloodtest was the same as in Kasemrad: consult with the doctor, get the test, and then go back with your test result to consult again. Luckily, everything is alright, I don't need to take any medicine (hopefully anymore) and the doctor said that I should eat more seafood (:-) ) which I like and also because they contain iodine salt which my thyroid needs. 

So far I'm happy with the measurements here and also, while I'm typing this, the market places in Saraburi have already been disinfected, and another measurement was introduced throughout the whole country: the surgical mask's price cannot be higher than it was in the non-peak time of the pandemic! People who are in high-risk area are constantly tracked, people have to get tested who got in direct contact with them, and I also downloaded the application called "Thaichana" which allows me to check in the stores, touristical attractions, or even at office buildings (if needed) so just in case, there is something going on, I can be also tracked down and tested. I feel safe and the general mood is not panicky, however, the common areas (most of them) have been locked down and it's forbidden to use them (like the swimming pool), and also NYE events have been cancelled. 

However, we still have the option to wander around and discover new places in our province. It's cool! Today we drove to a dam - a 2-km long dam! ( :O ). We rented a golf-car and H. was driving the whole way up and down, took pictures with the King (the previous one, who had planned the dam and made it build it, as well. He found out that they should collect the water in the rainy season so that plants and flowers could be watered during the dry season, as well. It was hot and sunny today, so after the 2-3 hour of outing I just conemplate on my life again. :-) A lot of extra time gives me opportunity to watch an immense amount of movies and to finish the books I've started before. I also learn Thai - and I'm happy to present that I started to be able to recognize the signs more and more often and even though I couldn't read the full words, I could recognize the names of the cities and such easy words like "open" or "close".  My wisdom tooth doesn't hurt me anymore, and I also enjoy bubble tea and can't wait my injury to heal up so that I could go back to the Hug Café and drink my Matcha Latte - as I would do it - or I would probably ask it for a takeaway. 

Here are some pictures of the trip today: 

On the way back, we found a strawberry-farm and they produce these wines besides. Sometimes, I really wish I was a bigger drinker! :-D 

Heart-shaped photo-shoot place near the dam.

Today only some part of it was open.

With the King's portrait.


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