Just usual Thai things - part 1
1) Wildlife:
The other day, I went to the market place and this water monitor was just casually swimming in the channel near the river (or should I say brook?) located close to the market place. I'm already good friends with water monitors so I did not care - also this one was a smaller example of them, look:
This message however, on School's chat was more terrifying:
2) Public transportation
Public transportation as such is non-existent nor in Saraburi, but I tend to believe that it goes for the entire country as well. Also, take that into account or consideration that I count as illiterate here, since I do not know the signs and letters, so even if I wanted to, couldn't figure out the train timetable. Add to that the ton of misinformation and misdirection that is usual in Thailand (but honestly in any other countries in Asia). So mostly, I rely on my friends when it comes to travel. However, the Ministry of Traffic is trying to implement new rules and regulations, but Thais always find a solution to get around them. One of the latest rules is that trucks cannot enter the cities anymore even if the highway crosses the city (like that it does in Saraburi). A person from another country would find a new way to get to the destination, a Thai person does like this:
Leave your truck at home and boost your pick-up truck up - so that you could still carry all the goods you wanted to! :D
No wonder there are so many people who fail the theory exams for the driving license. Even with questions like this:
48. After the accident and survived, which is a concept that reflects the driver’s awareness of safety in the use of cars on the road.A. Dee said yesterday that he had exited the fate, otherwise he would not survive.B. Mr. A said that because the amulets that are hanging, protected, protectedC. Mrs. B. said that this year, fortune tellers predict that good luck will do no problem.D. Ms. C said that he has always studied the principles of safe driving.
No, the correct answer is not B (but you can still see TONS of amulettes in, on and around cars here).
3) Contrasts
There are contrasts everywhere. Golden Buddha-temples could host homeless people. Or, like yesterday, next to one of the most spiritual temples, a dragon boat race was hosted! Noise and silence belong together in Thailand. Market and pray belong, as well. One side of them is to try to get most out of tourists - especially that this year hit the tourism industry really bad - but you would get a free portion in the restaurant if you go there often. I'm trying to find myself in the culture in general and I'm happy to report that I'm doing better. :-)
I didn't take any pictures of the following one but believe me, in most of the shop windows, there are already signs for "HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021". No wonder, Thais are already done with this year, it hit them really bad.
I share their hope. I lost a lot of things this year, and it almost cost me my health as well. But just like my blending in to this culture, I have a lot of hope to the future as well. In any case, I'll get an amulette or go to the fortune teller before. ;-)
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