Teaching at an international school... I mean at Hogwarts!

Fridays are special in the school's life (so also in mine). Not only because I feel especially brainwashed a.k.a. completely tired but also because Fridays are Sport days!!!! :-) Yeyeyeye! For teachers: it's for 2 hours just to relax and watch our teams play (at least that's what I naively thought!), for students: making them more tired for the weekend (and more clothes to wash for parents!). 

No, anyway, in the school there are no PE classes, so that's how it's sorted out. Every week the students are organized in groups according to their houses (yes!), and they play volleyball or basketball or soccer. It's fun! :-) (when the sports hall has a ventillation system) and it's not so fun when you need to run around in 35+ degrees (not Fahrenheit this time). 

Theoretically, I should have helped my house (more details later) but I just felt so overwhelmed after the whole week so that I was only chatting with some of my students - whom I didn't even recognize without their masks on! 

So, the basic idea for this comes from Harry Potter. Students are divided into different houses (yes, you read it correctly) and there are four houses. Not feeling like in Hogwarts yet? :-D The houses are named as follows: Dragons, Eagles, Phonexes and .... obviously Griffins! :-) (I guess, snakes and Slytherin needed to be changed into Eagles, given that the school follows the American system of Education ;-) ). I belong to the purple house (Griffins :-) ), although at the moment I don't feel myself brave at all! 

My students have explained that every year there is a raffle who goes to which house and it might change year by year but the one I was talking to was lucky enough that she got to be a Griffin again. :-) Today, they were playing volleyball; of course there are girl teams and boy teams, as well, and it was really entertaining to watch them to be honest. It was nice to see them free and enjoying the game! (Fridays totally rock! We even leave the school half an hour earlier!) :-) On the other hand, I survived my first week! ;))) (And it didn't go badly at all!)

At the end of the day, my friend was kind enough to pick me up and show me around in the town, what's more, we've even checked out a couple of apartments. Now I've got to make up my mind where to move... 

Here are some pictures from the town:

Durian market somewhere in town! (Do not try it in a car / in the hotel room / in your apt.) (I'm really interested in trying it... so one day I know I'll find the right place and time for this!)

Just an ordinary streetlamp and street clock (dragons! ;-) ).

Jackfruit in Tesco Lotus! See jars of jam for comparison on the right, and cantalupe on the left! 

Aaaand now, it's time for me to get ready for Sa-a-day. :-)


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