Monthly Cycling at Ban Kra Chao

I haven't written for an unforgivable loooong time - but ... Okay, I really have no excuse. I was busy, making new friends, I kind of ditched blogging for a while, I got a new friend that I eagerly chat with every day (he is Hungarian, too), and I don't know. I just had a lot of Damocles' swords and stormclouds above my head figuring out my life (again and again). I guess, the figuring out stays with us any way, no longer what our age is as life itself always produces some topsy-turvy detours which bring us new questions and new perspectives. Okay, before becoming more philosophical, I would like to give one of my excuses why I wasn't that present nowadays: and the main reason is the monthly cycling event! :-) W. invited me to this long before and not knowing what to expect, I gladly joined him on March the 6th! Oh my... for a long time, this was one of my best days in Thailand! You know, I'm struggling with the language, I struggle with the isolation (sometimes)...